Join us as we put feet to our faith in Jesus and feed the hungry, visit the elderly, bring companionship, study the Bible, and worship to those in assisted living and in the hospital. Join us as we bring meals to the elderly, build homes with Habitat for Humanity, provide emergency shelter to the homeless, and gasoline for the stranded.
Join us as we provide children and youth with: Christian education, special faith and fun events, occasions to lead in worship by reading the scriptures, singing special music, playing instruments, preaching through drama, and leading the prayers.
Join us as we endeavor to bring blessings to all we meet.
Explore the Mystery
St. Luke's Episcopal Church
A member of the Global Anglican Communion
A Christian Community
Both Ancient and Modern
Ancient Celtic/Anglican Spirituality and Contemporary Praise and Worship come together to generate a timeless atmosphere of awe and mystery, joy and gratitude in the worship of God at St. Luke's Episcopal Church.
While much of the worship is ancient in its dynamic rituals: silence, prayer, chant, scripture readings, confession and holy communion, the attitudes are modern. We are an inclusive and diverse body, embracing all who would worship with us: rich, poor, black, white, Asian, Hispanic, straight, gay, blue collar, white collar, male and female, young and old, liberal and conservative. There is a place for everyone at St. Luke's.
As modern thinkers, we also hold differing views regarding how we interpret scripture and what discipleship should look like. But our unity is not rooted in uniformity. Our unity is found in and through our shared love, worship and service, and in our faithfulness in meeting together at the Table of the Lord.
Shine In The Love Of God's Grace
St. Luke's Episcopal Church, Kearney, NE
Ephesians 4: 29 - "Let no evil talk come of your mouth, but only what is useful for building up, as there is need." Using this as a basis for the "I am" project, these are words of encouragement that you can say during your quiet time, prayer time or when the world is pushing its own words at you.
I am "a child of God and strong."
I am "courageous and beautiful."
I am "brave and wonderfully-made."
I am "trusting and loved."
I am "forgiven and mighty."
I am "fearless and trusting."
I am "powerful and strong."
I am "a servant of God."
I am "show the kindness of God."
I am "hopeful in my Father."
Jesus in the temple